Services & Pricing

Quick-Fix: 30 mins Reflexology or Foot Detox - $30 Stand Alone | $50 Detox & Reflexology

Reflexology uses pressure instead of needles to activate specific points using hands, thumbs, or finger techniques. More time can be applied to other reflexology points where you may want more attention. Reflexology stimulates nerve function, increases energy, boosts circulation, induces a deep state of relaxation, and eliminates toxins from the body. You will leave relaxed and refreshed.

An Ionic Foot Detox Bath pulls toxins from your body through the feet. Feet are placed in a hot tub of water treated with Himalayan salt & charged with electricity. Ions formed in the water bind with toxins in your body. The water can change to different colors which can signify the area detoxing. You will leave feeling renewed with more physical & mental energy. Cauton: Try not to look at the water color change…Not pretty.

All In - 60 Min Reflexology - $40

Major and minor reflexology points. An hour of reflexology can:

  • Create a relaxation effect
  • Have an impact on organs
  • Reduce pain

Be sure to let us know before treatment starts of any aches or pains you may be having. This is our most popular selection.

OMG! - 90 Min

For our guests who want more time applied to their major and minor reflexology points throughout the entire body. You will leave feeling brand new.